3D streetpainting
Titel: “Waterfall”
Design: Remko van Schaik
Client: Street-Art Fashion
Location: East Gate shoppingmall Berlin – Germany
Titel: “Waterfall”
Design: Remko van Schaik
Client: Street-Art Fashion
Location: East Gate shoppingmall Berlin – Germany
Titel: “Floating Rocks”
Design: Remko van Schaik
Artists: Remko van Schaik & Ruben Poncia
Client: Street-Art Fashion
Location: East Gate shoppingmall – Berlin – Germany
Titel: “Freedom, WOII”
Design: Remko van Schaik
Artist: Remko van Schaik
Client: World of Streetpainting Festival
Location: Arnhem, The Netherlands
Titel: “The Lost Canals”
Design: Remko van Schaik
Artists: Remko van Schaik & Ruben Poncia
Client: ‘The KunstLab’ Deventer
Location: Gedempte Grachten Festival
Titel: “Wana GoGo”
Design: Remko van Schaik
Artists: Remko van Schaik & Ruben Poncia
Client: Plopsaland
Location: Belgium
Titel: “Flying Carpet”
Design: Remko van Schaik
Artist: Remko van Schaik
Client: Bucuresti Mall
Location: Romania
Titel: “Playground Under Water”
Design: Remko van Schaik
Artist: Remko van Schaik
Client: Miljöpartiet de Gröna
Location: Stockholm – Sweden
Titel: “Hammerhead Shark”
Design: Remko van Schaik
Artist: Remko van Schaik
Client: La Belle Etoile
Location: Luxembourg
Titel: “Waterfall”
Design: Remko van Schaik
Artist: Remko van Schaik & Marion Ruthardt
Client: Arkadia Shoppingmall
Location: Warsaw, Poland
Titel: “Roman Excavation”
Design: Remko van Schaik
Artist: Remko van Schaik & Ruben Poncia
Client: Shopping Center Houten
Location: Houten, The Netherlands